Sand Magic

There are baskets full of sand, containers and lots of little things everywhere - perfect for letting your creativity run wild. Whether you're standing or sitting, let's get started! The sand offers you endless possibilities to experiment and be amazed.

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The room is waiting for little sand artists!

At the “work tables” you will find everything you need: sieves, spoons, ladles, teapots and milk jugs – and all made of real wood and metal. Whether you are standing or sitting, let’s get started!

The sand offers you endless possibilities to experiment and be amazed. No instructions necessary - all that counts is your desire to play and try things out! For around 90 minutes, young and old will be in sand fever.

And the parents? They can of course be there, watch in a relaxed manner and be amazed at how long their child spends in the sand, full of concentration and imagination. Do you want to feel, dig and play for yourself? No problem. Feel free to occupy yourself and your senses.

Meditative Play

discovering new things

Extraordinary "play materials"

Sensory play for all senses

Right next door, there is an additional lounge area where you can process all the new impressions and the whirling around. As always, snacks and drinks are available for you!

Secure one of the places quickly and choose your favorite time!

Early Bird price is valid until 10.1.25

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